Alda's - Breeding
  Alda homepage | Early Years | Presentation Ceremony | Breeding | Movie "Sit" |
    2005 Breeding | Pregnancy | Birth | 7 days | 14 days | 21 days | 28 days | 35 days | 42 days | 49 days | 56 days
      The Pups | Lansing | Lawton | Lexington | Lanijo | Larissa | Legacy | Lotus | Lupe

Larissa - LSF - 4J68

Mon, 16 Apr 2007 - It's hard to believe that Larissa is almost 16 months old!!  Of course she is beautiful!!  And sometimes too smart for her own good - you know, thinking she knows best!  She does exceptionally well on any and all outings and loves to be on the go! I'm prompted to write since we just received her tentative call back date: July 16th.  We are thrilled to have Larissa as long as possible!!  We have been keeping track of her brothers and sisters and realize several are already in their formal training.  At this time we are waiting for Larissa's 2nd season which is due any time now.  We are not looking forward to her time away! Will keep you posted on Alda's girl!

Wed, 15 Nov 2006 - I heard that you have moved out of the area and aren't at GDB any longer. How sad for Larissa since we dropped her off November 5th for her "in season" stay at the kennel. We are missing her terribly! She is soooo sweet and loves to be close to us; we asked if she might be able to have a kennel buddy. We also warned the staff that she has turned into a very strong "chew-er". (However, she only chews her toys ... nothing else.) She can demolish a black kong or hard nylabone in about 15 minutes! She is progressing well with all of her training, except she doesn't seem to understand the "stand" command (but we've been told that isn't something to worry about, just keep working on it). Noticed on the website that she has a litter mate "in season" at GDB also, maybe they will be able to "visit".


  Sun, 14 May 2006 - Bindy wrote: I have spent the last 2 days with Larissa at Guide Dogs. What a treat to come back from my weekend and see her wagging tail. She is doing good and reminds me of Alda. The things of Alda that I see in Larissa is how she looks you right in the eye, doesn't like to laydown on command, and loves to chew a bone that you are holding in your hand. I hold one end and she chews on the other end. She even sits like Alda, with the slouching lean against a wall and the knees apart. So lady like. I took her to lunch with me, so she could get out of the kennels. She needed something to do so a frozen kong was the answer to settling her down and me being able to eat my sandwich. Her stools are good, the vet clinic will probably be calling soon.  

At 12 weeks

10 Apr 2006 - Here is a very cute picture of Larissa. She has gotten bigger but still has that cute little look about her. And the little cock-of -the-head let's you know she has just enough attitude to make her interesting. (These were taken when she was 12 weeks.) Thought my daughter would be sending you your info on Larissa but she has many deadlines this week, so you will get my version.

Larissa loves to be close! She snuggles up and tries to make herself real small so she still fits easily on your lap. She has her Mom's long ears (they get wet at every meal) and cute little eyes - in fact if she were yellow she could be mistaken for Alda's picture on her "card". Larissa is a "big" girl with feet to match, and this carrying her around until her final Parvo shot is going to be a challenge - that, and I think she is really getting accustomed to being draped over both arms. She knows her name, "sit", she will "stay" for a little bit, she will wait to be released to eat her meals, is doing very well with house-training and will "come" on the food induced recall program every time!! However, she loves to use her puppy teeth to try things out: hands, shoelaces, pillow ties, etc.

I know that isn't short, but she is a sweetie and we are pleased to be able to raise her. She made a quick trip to LA last weekend and did exceptionally well!! Traveled wonderfully, and handled a hotel and 2 homes with the ease of a pro. We will keep you posted on her progress. Do you know anything about the other puppies? Give Alda hug for us!

- Janet




Seven weeks old

10 weeks old, taking a bath at GDB kennels.
  Website links
- Guide Dogs for the Blind Breeding Program
- Contra Costa East Guide Dog Raisers
  website updated on April 11, 2006        
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