Posts Tagged ‘food’

Food quanity, schedule, and loss of appetite

Thursday, January 3rd, 2008


Before ultrasound – She will be on Science Diet Maintenance. 1.25 or 1.5 cups twice a day. I raise her food so the pups can grow up big and strong and she usually will eat less about 10 days before her due date, so I like her to have some fat stored up on her.
After ultrasound – She will switch (in 5 day period) to Science Diet Puppy and they will increase the amount of food by about 1 cup a week.
Loss of appetite – She will loose her appetite about 2 weeks before her due date. Do all that you can to get her to eat. Try only 1 cup per meal, try canned food, dry kibble instead of wet, dog sausage log, dog biscuits, any dog food product on the store shelf. You can switch foods without having to worry about loose stools. Her nutrition is more important than a soft serve stool. I will buy 1 can of food from each dog food company (Iams, Purina, Natural Balance, etc). She will tire of a flavor after one meal, so variety is important. Sometimes she will only eat kibble, other times she will only eat canned food. Sometimes holding the bowl up off the floor helps. Sometimes going for a walk before eating. It is best to stay with dog food and not use people food.

Ultrasound appointment FAQs

Thursday, January 3rd, 2008


Bring her to the vet clinic with a full bladder. They will ask questions about her behavior, physical condition, and then you take her to the small office with the ultrasound. With your help (or not) Alda will be flipped belly up in a big blue foam wedge. Pet her head and talk softly, to steady her after the flip. They will raise the table, squirt goo on her belly (the coolness will startle Alda), and stick the probe on the goo. The image shows on the monitor screen. They will attempt to count the pups, and also look at other organs. They can give you a print out of a pup if you want. After the ultrasound, they will ask for the Pregnancy Care papers. They will fill in the food chart, increasing her food about 1 cup a week for the next 3 weeks. She will also change to SD Puppy food.

Slow down on walks

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

Bev traded Alda back to Gary for about a week.
Thu, 13 Jul 2006 – Gary writes
, “Alda is doing fine. If I walk her once a day she can go on a longer walk and does not slow down near as much. She has also started her pregnant wheezing wine. See you Sunday.”

Bev writes, “I see that the heat is supposed to return over the weekend. One report I heard indicated that out here the temperature might be 105 on Sunday. Needless to say, Alda won’t be doing much walking in that kind of heat. I try and get her out some in the AM and again around dusk. Alda must have completely switched over to the puppy chow by now. Did she tolerate that changeover OK?

What about this whine….is it a constant thing? She is only 3 weeks from her return date, so I imagine she’s starting to get pretty uncomfortable. I mailed some pictures to Bindy on Saturday. If she hasn’t received them yet, she should in the very near future. For a cardboard camera, they turned out quite well. I’ll be sure and take more at my house, plus take two cameras to GDB when I take her in. See you Sunday….”