Posts Tagged ‘exam’

Ultrasound exam – confirmed pregnancy

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

  ultrasound2.jpg ultrasound3.jpg Thr, 7 Jul 2006 – Ever the trooper, Alda endured her fourth ultrasound appointment today. She’s very accustomed to showing off her belly, so being on her back didn’t seem to really bother her. The cold goop they put on her startled her at first, but she handled the whole thing like the veteran that she is.

“Doc” quickly found 4 pups during the examination and it appeared that that was going to be his final estimation. However, when he was nearly finished, he indicated that he found 2 more. I’ve been telling Alda from the beginning that 6 would be a good number this time, so I’d like to think that this will be so. However, we all know that these numbers are only “guesstimates” at this stage. One thing’s for certain, however…she’s definitely pregnant.

Breeding FAQ

Thursday, November 29th, 2007

The Breeding Department will determine an appropriate mate for the female based on temperament and family history. Females are generally bred once a year. Usually a different mate is chosen each time. “With a blood test, ovulation timing can be predicted to ensure a successful breeding. The actual breeding takes place during the female’s initial rise in progesterone.” (From


The dogs will be bred for 3 consecutive days during the female’s initial rise in progesterone. The female will remain in the kennels until she is diestrus.

When picking up the dog from the kennels, you will be given an information packet on how to care for a pregnant dog, and encouraged to make an ultrasound appointment in the vet clinic.

The ultrasound and physical exam by the vet are the determining factors to prove pregnancy.  (From Guide Dogs for the Blind)