Wed, 28 Jun 2006 – I wonder if a cookie (or two, if she’ll take it) in the middle of the night might reduce the empty stomach irritation and bile vomit near the end of her pregnancy. Did you ever try that? (They always tell pregnant women to keep dry cereal or crackers by their bed for when they wake up in the middle of the night….) I find this kind of amusing (in a perverse sort of way) that you and I (both childless) are in the position of trying to figure out all of this pregnancy stuff. 🙂I’ve never taken a dog’s temp. before…..I’m assuming that you use vaseline for lubrication and insert approximately 1 inch? Does Alda tolerate this well? She woke me up by shaking her head at 1:30 this AM to do business. Since I always have to get up around 2 or so, anyway, I didn’t try to make her go back to bed. We both did our business. I may be creating a monster for you when you finally get her back….
We took a moderate walk this AM; she’s sound asleep now. She also decided during the night that she didn’t care for my dog bed, so I brought her bagel bed in the bedroom…she was much happier. She may prefer the other when she gets bigger…we’ll see. Good luck today. Alda sends her love and kisses.