Alda's - Breeding
  Alda homepage | Early Years | Presentation Ceremony | Breeding | Movie "Sit" |

2003 | Season | Alda breeding with Dylan | Pregnancy | Ultrasound | Birth | Pups 10 days | Pups 17 days |


| Pups 24 days | Pups 31 days | Pups 38 days | Pups 45 days | Pups 52 days | Pups 58 days |

      The Pups | Cynthia | Covina | Cairo | Chuckie | Carmel | Carob | Chardonnay | Coralee | Clarabelle |



Tattoo number: 465B
Shaved patch while in the kennels as a puppy was Left Shoulder Male (LSM)


18 Sep 2005 - Just in case you don't know, Chuckie was dropped last week. He made it to phase 8 but that pooping problem never did get resolved. We tried to find a good home for him.....and finally we found the very best place of all. He will be staying with us. We are all thrilled. We are raising a puppy for CCI and they are so happy to be back together. Chuckie is teaching him so much.

18 Aug 2005 - Chuckie is still up at GBD and is now is Phase 6.
25 Jun 2005 - Chuckie is in Phase 2

12 Jun 2005 - Begun formal training at Guide Dogs for the Blind, San Rafael, California
Jo-Ann writes: " Just wanted to let you know that Chuckie went back to GDB last Sunday. We gave him his last hug (for a
while) several blocks from GDB and then brought him in. Of course he could smell the other dogs and once we were there didn't really care much about us. They told us he would probably get a kennel-mate. So, the long wait starts. I will keep you informed on how he is doing. The house is so quiet without him.


Jo-Ann writes on Sat, 9 Apr 2005
"Chuckie is quite a wonderful puppy and VERY handsome but I am sure that does not surprise you. He is sweet and loves to be with us. He is great with children and especially gentle with really young ones. He loves to play with other dogs and gets along with all of them. If he is with a puppy or an older dog he is quite gentle but when he is with another dog who wants to play, watch out.

He is doing quite well except he has alittle problem with relieving. He still relieves on walks sometimes. Our adviser has given us all sorts of things to try to get him to stop. But I have to admit, he still does it sometimes. Not in stores or anything like that, just on walks. But we are still trying to get him into shape. He can be stubborn at times.

Anyway, he was going to go back to GDB April 1, but they decided to wait until the beginning of June...not too sure why. Do you know if any of his siblings have gone back. I will keep you informed on how he is doing when he goes back. All I can say is that we are all really going to miss our little boy so much. "






Website links
- Guide Dogs for the Blind Breeding Program
- Contra Costa East Guide Dog Raisers
- University of Cal article about being a Breeder Keeper


website updated on April 10, 2005


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