Sun, 16 Jul 2006 – Alda and I arrived home without incident. Once I arrived at the Hillcrest area of Antioch, the thermometer on the car registered 100. Since we’ve been home, the A/C has been running non-stop. Way too hot, but there isn’t much we can do about it. As I saw you in my rearview mirror head off in the opposite direction today, I was reminded of the song “See You in September.” (You may have heard it on an Oldies station….) Anyway, if Alda could have sung it to you, she would have. She’s got a big job to do before she gets to join you again, but it won’t be long. She immediately ran around the house once we got here. I’d bought her a new toy which she discovered right away and she actually played with it for a bit. There definitely wasn’t any adjustment period with her coming back here….she’s very familiar with this place. Alda sends her love, but she’s sleeping soundly right now.